The feature that makes this seed unique, is something that you will probably not encounter in any other world in the game. The two End portals inside the stronghold Another great detail about this seed is that you will spawn in a gorgeous valley near an abandoned nether portal. This seed, unlike any other seed, will Spawn you in the perfect place for a nether portal, Once inside of the nether you will encounter some of the harshest nether biomes some of the biomes are, three bastions and a nether fortress, all within a few blocks from your spawn. Perfect for fixing your weapons and armours, or even for trading the precious ores that you find in the ravine the real question would be with whom? and to make it even better you will be able to find a ravine next to one of the villages.
Within this seed you will be able to find, not one but 8 villages full of blacksmiths all together within the same forest, you will also witness some of the most beautiful views of the forest. View of the Blacksmith villages and ravine Great for collecting diverse types of items.In this seed you will spawn in a beautiful mountain filled with flowers and landscapes, the mountain is also surrounded by beautiful lakes and rivers, making it the perfect place to sit down after a long day of mining. So here is a list of the top 15 most beautiful seeds in Minecraft 2021 edition, of course, beauty can be relative, so we'll be judging the terrains where you spawn, (Beaches, mountains, plains, etc.), the way they harmonize with the nearby places there is, and their unique features. So, if you go online you will be able to find a list of seeds that you can use to your advantage, or for any reason, you would like to use the seed. A seed can be randomly generated when creating a world or it can be added by the player. Seeds can be used for the player's advantage since you can spawn in certain locations, like closer to the end portal, or having different biomes close to each other, whereas in any random seed could be difficult to find. Every world is different, but every seed makes the same world so, by typing the same seed into two different worlds you will still get the same terrains, landscapes, villages, etc.

Seeds are made from a combination of numbers and letters that when put together will generate a Minecraft world Through the use of algorithms.

The answer is quite simple, it's all thanks to something we like to call “Seeds”. Have you ever been walking around the beautiful landscapes of Minecraft or swimming through the vast and gorgeous oceans, and wondered How is all of this possible? Is it all randomly generated? Or how does Minecraft decide to add an ocean, or a village, or any kind of terrain possible? What makes the world of Minecraft beautiful and unique?